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Official Board


The Deacons and Trustees of Zion Tabernacle Apostolic Faith Church are honored to be of service to the church family, and the community.


We, the Deacons and Trustees, believe Jesus is the Head of the Church. He is Lord, Savior, and Shepherd. We recognize our pastor as the “Under Shepherd” called to do God’s Will according to the Word of God. The Zion Tabernacle Apostolic Faith Church Deacons and Trustees, minister to the congregation as the Pastor’s representatives in matters that will further the growth of the individual member and the corporate body.


It is our responsibility to assist the Pastor in implementing his vision and programs, and to attend to the needs of the members of the church, as related to the temporal needs that may arise. As Officials of the church, we are passionate to develop a more Christ-like congregation and to assist in carrying out the business of the church. We are committed to the standard of ministry proclaimed by the written and preached Word of God.


Additionally, the individual mission of each Official Board member is to:


W - Worship God with all our might.

O - Obey Christ by assisting the Pastor and serving others throughout our church.

R - Resolve to build relationships that strengthen our church family.

K - Keep our commitment to serve God as a deacon and trustee.


"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ." (Colossians 3:23-24)
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